What to Expect
We gather at 9am and 11am on Sunday mornings. We know that going to a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience with many questions. To help ease your visit, here are a few things that will be helpful to know.
Address: 1445 S. Wall Street, Carbondale, IL 62901
Parking: Our parking team will be there to guide you to a parking spot.
Before the Service
There is no need to dress up. Please feel comfortable in your normal weekend clothes. After parking, enter through our main entrance doors. You will see a greeter there to welcome you. When you walk in, feel free to grab a cup of coffee and find a seat in our auditorium.
Kids & Youth
We have an excellent Kids Program with trusted and trained workers. Your children will learn about Jesus in an age-appropriate, fun, engaging way, while in a safe environment. Check-in for the Kids Program opens 15 minutes before the service starts.
Middle School and High school students are welcome to join us in the service. Additionally they will have their own service on Sunday Evenings. For more details and meeting times, check out our youth page.
During the Service
One of our staff will get up front to welcome the church and give any announcements. After a brief Scripture reading, our worship team will lead us in two songs of worship to God. We will also end our service with three more songs. The worship music ranges from old and modern hymns to contemporary worship songs.
Bible Teaching
After our first few songs of worship, one of our staff will welcome the church and give any announcements. Then after worship, one of our pastors will come up and teach clearly from the Bible (we use the English Standard Version). We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God; therefore, we teach it as it is rather than teaching our own opinion. We aim to teach the Bible in a way that is clear and understandable to all, regardless of church experience.
During the final song of our worship set, we invite anyone who would like to receive prayer to come forward. Our team has been trained and released, and are happy to pray for anyone.
After the Service
The service lasts about an hour and a half. Once it ends, feel free to hang around and meet people afterward if you would like. For parents, please pick up your kids within 15 minutes of the service ending.